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Back online and catching up!

I’m sure many of you have been wondering why things have been so quiet this week. Unfortunately I’ve been having internet issues. I have cable internet which is usually a pretty reliable connection. We began having outages a few weeks ago but then it came back on so we thought nothing of it and went on with life as usual.

Then last week it went down completely with no explanation.  The ISP said there were no outages in our neighborhood.  So I called the cable company to have them come check the cable. Turns out our *&#$ dogs chewed through the cable and we didn’t know it. So the cable guy moved the box to a higher spot and added some nicer cable and a filter. He left, but guess what? No cable internet! Called the ISP again, and they said the same thing, no outages in the neighborhood.  They had me unplug the modem and bring it in for testing. It tested fine.  They set up a service call for the next day (tomorrow). Just for the heck of it, I had hubby remove that filter. TADA! We now have cable internet again!

So, now I’m back online and can access your orders, ship them, bill for them etc.  Orders and email answers will be a bit slow for a few days, but I hope to be back on schedule by the end of the week. I’ve learned a valuable lesson. Even though hubby thought a dial up modem was archaic and not needed when I bought my computer I think I’m now going to go out and get one and put it in my computer for a back-up. I know it sure would have been handy to use when going through all of this garbage over the cable connection. Now about those dogs… anyone want to buy pugs? ;-)

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