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You Know The Old Saying…

When it rains it pours? Well that’s what the story has been here. After the internet cable fiasco I tripped and fell on our stairs. I was off my feet for a bit but I’m back now. No broken bones or anything. However, I already have a bum foot from a botched surgery so that probably added to the outcome of the fall. My apologies for not making a post to the News sooner.

Paul took over processing orders for me temporarily but you have to understand he has a day job so he hasn’t been as fast at taking care of things as I normally am. Bless his heart for helping out though. He didn’t know how to work my finicky Word Press News page so unfortunately that meant some of you have been left wondering what the heck has been happening.

Anyhow, I’m back up and around but when I fell, as I said earlier, I hurt my already messed up foot. So, next month I will be heading to a different surgeon to see if he can fix my previous doctor’s handy work.

So what does all of this mean? Bear with me here, I am getting to the point.

It means that my shopping pages will likely have to be shut down for a while. I can’t rely on Paul to do his day job and then come home and do my job too. I know all of this comes up at the worst possible time when it comes to preparing for holidays, etc., and that it’s going to hurt me business wise and probably cause me to lose customers but it cannot be helped.

This doc is supposed to be one of the top docs in our area who is nearing retirement. He’s at the point in his career where he picks and chooses who he wants to see. Luckily he agreed to see me so I need to jump at the chance to see if he can help me out and fix my foot once and for all.

Of course when I know more I’ll post info on the situation.

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